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The Only Luxury Surfing Resort in the Maldives

Off the beaten track. Uncrowded waves. High quality breaks. Welcome to Nature’s Playground, the only luxury surf resort in the Maldives with its own wave breaking right onto the shore at Vodi Point - making your surf travel dreams come true.

Just off the edge of Niyama’s Play Island you’ll find Vodi, a powerful and sometimes hollow left hander. Off to the west and five minutes away by speedboat, Kasabu is a rippable and hollow right hander. Or explore some other options around Niyama under different conditions. Our hotel surf guides keep an eye on the conditions and will recommend the time and place to surf to get the most out of your holiday. If Vodi is breaking well, it’s a simple paddle out. If conditions are better for another spot – they will let you know. 

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