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Simply surreal. Underwater restaurant in Maldives.

Immerse yourself in Nikkei indulgence beneath the ocean's waves at an extraordinary underwater restaurant. Embark on a captivating journey below the surface for an unforgettable fine dining experience.

It's simply surreal—an underwater dining gem in the Maldives.

Arrive at Subsix via speedboat and make your way down a stunning three-tier staircase, where Italian abstract chandeliers light your descent, resembling radiant coral. Once submerged, relax in the flowing curves of the clam-inspired bar, nestled among the plush anemone chairs, all beneath a canopy of capiz shells swaying gently from the ceiling.

Savor the exquisite Nikkei cuisine with options ranging from Private events, Champagne breakfasts and subaquatic lunches to gourmet dinners and adults-only glow parties that illuminate the night, paired with the enchanting spectacle of the reef.


  • Никкей


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Executive Chef Thierry Vergnault

Executive Chef Thierry Vergnault takes the helm of F&B at Nature’s Playground, overseeing the resort’s 10 restaurants and bars, as well as regular creative pop-ups and Michelin-starred collaborations