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Luxury Dining at a Maldives Resort.

Executive Chef Thierry Vergnault takes the helm of F&B at Nature’s Playground, overseeing the resort’s 10 restaurants and bars, as well as regular creative pop-ups and Michelin-starred collaborations.

Born and bred in France, Chef Thierry Vergnault has trained in the classics of French culinary art. He fuses traditional cooking techniques and a relentless dedication to quality with the global flair inspired by his exploration of the world. He began his career at the height of the French gastronomic scene, at the Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris. Since then, his time with Hilton, Marriott, Westin and Le Meridien has taken him to the four corners of the world, from Russia to the US and the Caribbean.

Speaking of his announcement, Chef Thierry said; “I am delighted to be joining Niyama Private Islands in the Maldives. My cooking style is a combination of old school and innovative culinary global trends for example. Our guests are well travelled and experienced in food, and it is a challenge for me to fulfill the expectations of every guest and give an unforgettable dining experience.”